
First post


Well, here it is. I thought I should attempt to start some platform to rant and share things on, tech related and whatnot. So - here’s my first blog, which I’ll use to share anything related to Linux, development, maybe some fitness and other miscellaneous subjects.

Bear with me, as this site also will also serve as a starting point for (re)learning some web development. For the past few years, I’ve largely concentrated on Ruby, C#, some BASH and other scripting – so I’m picking up web again and I’m very rusty!

Along the way, I’m hoping to document anything interesting I find. There have been many moments previously where, beyond a git repository, I’ve thought ‘I should probably take note of this somewhere, and share with others’. So, now I have no excuses!

A static site generator seemed like my best option, as it’s trivial to register a domain, and link back to Github Pages. I decided to go with Jekyll for the simple reason that it seems simple and straightforward to start with, and I’m already familiar with Ruby. However, I am starting to (re)learn HTML, CSS, Javascript and hoping to pick up Node and React. Eventually, I’d like to try out another static site generator, such as Gatesby.

As you have undoubtedly noticed, front end development is not my forte. My background has mostly been backend (some very minor front end web, and Windows Forms applications), so I will be attempting to place a degree of emphasis on this over the coming months, and learning to make things pretty. Obviously I have a long way to go!